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What are the three things needed to switch from attachment to self (self-interest) to concern for others (community interest)?
Self-acceptance, confidence in others, and contribution to others
What is characterized by suggestions such as "I am strong" and "I can do it" even if they cannot do it and has aspects of the superiority complex and lying?
What is different from self-affirmation in that one accepts themselves as they are currently?
What might be a good term for the feeling of self-acceptance as you are now and seeing you are not as good as you would ideally be but nevertheless seeing that there is no need to be pessimistic?
Affirmative resignation
What is the name of the prayer that relates to some ideas from Adlerian psychology like the separation of tasks?
The serenity prayer
What is the first line of the serenity prayer?
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
What is the second line of the serenity prayer?
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
What is the third line of the serenity prayer?
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
What is generally taken to mean accepting something undesirable but inevitable, but could also mean to have a firm grasp on the truth of things?
Does arriving at affirmative resignation automatically mean the community feeling is reached?
If you have arrived to affirmative resignation, what is the next thing that becomes absolutely essential?
Confidence in others
The confidence in others advocated in Adlerian psychology must be completely what in order to build a deep relationship?
What should you do if you do not want to make your interpersonal relationship with a person better?
Sever it
If you want to sever the interpersonal relationship with another person, whose task is it to do so?
What is the goal of confidence in others in Adlerian psychology?
To form deep relationships (it also helps build horizontal relationships)
The joy of interpersonal relationships, and life, comes from what courage?
The courage to enter deeper relationships by having confidence in others
What is the antonym of confidence that if placed at the interpersonal relationship, is not a way to build a deep relationship?
Is arriving at self-acceptance and having confidence in others enough to attain community feeling on its own?
After arriving at self-acceptance and having confidence in others, what comes into play in order to contribute to community feeling?
Contribution to others
Labor/work is not a means of earning money according to Adlerian psychology, rather it is a common form of what?
Contribution to others
What is accepting one's irreplaceable self just as it is in Adlerian psychology?
What is to place unconditional confidence at the base of one's interpersonal relationships in Adlerian psychology?
Confidence in others
How might contribution to others seem if those others are seen as enemies?
It has been said that how many years are necessary to truly understand Adlerian psychology?
Half the number of years one has lived so far
Workaholism (focusing on work and avoiding other responsibilities by using work as an excuse) is an example of what?
The life lie
Did Adler recognize ways of living that have certain aspects that are unusually dominant (not concerning themselves with everything)?
All problems are interpersonal relationship problems, yet where is a place happiness is to be found?
Interpersonal relationships
What is the greatest unhappiness for a human being according to Adlerian psychology?
Not being able to like oneself
With contribution to others in Adlerian psychology, does it matter if the contribution is visible or invisible?
What is the definition of happiness in Adlerian psychology?
The subjective feeling of contribution to others
The subjective sense of being of use to someone, or the subjective feeling of contribution to others, is how what is defined in Adlerian psychology?
To avoid the healthy efforts of studying, practicing, improving oneself at something, etc. by being purposefully problematic as an easy way to get attention from other people is called what?
The pursuit of easy superiority
Rather than a story which suggests a line, what is life according to Adlerian psychology?
A series of moments
One should live through the series of moments that is life as if one were doing what (as a metaphor)?
Why is dancing a good metaphor for how one should live through every moment?
The goal of dancing is to dance
How might a life focused on achieving a goal as efficiently as possible be described (if the goal were reaching the top of a mountain, the fastest way is taking a helicopter)?
Kinetic (movement with a starting point and end point that is optimal if carried out as efficiently as possible)
How might a life focused on experiencing every moment, treating the process itself as the outcome be described (the goal is mountain climbing itself and not simply getting to the top)?
Life is a series of moments, and related to that, what two things do not exist?
The past nor the future
What is the greatest life lie?
To not live in the present because you are trying to look at the past or future
When living life earnestly in the here and now, one must not confuse being earnest with being what?
What is the general meaning of life?
Life, in general, is meaningless
Whatever meaning life has must be?
Assigned to it by the individual
What is the guiding star to a life of freedom according to Adlerian psychology?
Contribution to others
According to Adlerian psychology, if you do not lose sight of this guiding star, you can do whatever you like. What is the guiding star?
Contribution to others
Following the guiding star of contribution to others, to live each moment like a dance means you should not try to look at what?
The past or future
Is there any need to compete with others, since the guiding star is contribution to others?
When applying the ideas of Adlerian psychology, does it matter at all whether other people cooperate?
What is the statement that the book on Adlerian psychology ends with?
The world is simple and life is too