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Examples notes [...].
Examples notes fdjafdhks.
The ABC metric was introduced as a possibly better alternative for what other software metric?
Source lines of code (SLOC)
Another [...].
Another note.
Of cyclomatic complexity and ABC metric, which focuses more on program size?
ABC metric
What software metric measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program?
Cyclomatic complexity
What is the magnitude of an ABC metric <3,0,4>?
What do A, B, and C stand for in the ABC metric?
Assignments, branches, and conditionals
What is the ABC metric of this line of Ruby code?
(x > 2) ? (y = 3) : (z = 5)
<2, 0, 2>
What is the smallest cyclomatic complexity that RuboCop will give a warning for by default?
What version of the name is System.Console?
A fully qualified name
What is the other name for the Law of Demeter?
The principle of least knowledge
Of cyclomatic complexity and ABC metric, which focuses more on program complexity?
Cyclomatic complexity (the answer is given away by the name)
Why does an else branch not add one to the cyclomatic complexity in the algorithm used by RuboCop?
It does not add a decision point
Where was the Law of Demeter introduced?
Northeastern University
The Law of Demeter is a specific case of:
Loose coupling
What is a common statement explaining how to follow the Law of Demeter?
Use only one dot