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What is the standard technique provided by the .NET platform to send and trap errors, that is common to all languages targeting the platform, called?
Structured exception handling
All exceptions in C# ultimately derive from what class?
What read-only property of System.Exception retrieves a collection of key-value pairs (represented by an object implementing IDictionary) that provide additional, programmer-defined information about the exception?
What read-only property of System.Exception can be used to obtain information about previous exceptions that caused the current exception to occur?
When you throw a new System.Exception object in .NET, what read-only property gets set via the class constructor?
What read-only property of System.Exception contains a string that identifies the sequence of calls that triggered the exception?
What is the keyword used in C# to raise an exception?
throw new Exception($"{PetName} has overheated!");
What can you make use of in C# programming when you are invoking a method that may throw an exception?
A try/catch block
What are exceptions thrown by the .NET platform called?
System exceptions
What is a good .NET class to derive custom exceptions from instead of System.Exception?
What is the default access modifier applied to a non-nested type in .NET?
What optional block can be used with try/catch in C# to ensure that some code will always execute regardless of an exception happening or not?