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What is bound to happen to untested software?
It is bound to fail
What is an error?
Something that you do wrong
What is a specific human action that results in software containing a fault?
Can tests prove the absence of faults?
What is the code that we write to test the code called?
Test code
What should you always do when you fix a bug (related to test-driven development)?
Write a test that would replicate the bug
What is a side effect of writing test code before or alongside the main code?
It will shape the way you design the code
What is a case that should always be tested when the input is numeric?
What are the two things that must be demonstrated by the test harness?
Correct output and appropriate failure behavior
Code Craft notes that what are a rich source of error and should be carefully tested?
Boundary cases
How should all code be read according to Code Craft?
For each piece of code that you write, when should you move on?
When it is tested and the tests show that it works
What practice, and tribe that inhabits the software factory, ensures that the processes and development practices result in high-quality software?
Quality assurance (QA)
What is the most effective way to ensure software quality?
A design rule for a section of code that leads to highly testable code:
Each section should be self-contained and without undocumented or tenuous dependencies on external things
What kind of tests stubs any untrusted external code with which the tested part interfaces?
Unit tests
What kind of tests validates the combination of one or more units into a full component?
Component tests
What kind of test tests the combination of components?
Integration tests
What kind of test ensures the code can handle the expected volume of data as its input?
Load tests
What kind of test throws a huge amount of data at the code within a short time to see what happens?
Stress tests
What kind of test involves a high load for a prolonged amount of time?
Soak tests
What largely determines the quality of unit tests?
The quality of the interface being tested
What happens to bad programmers who don't consider testing to be important and release untested code?
They discover problems too late