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What to do if you don't know how to solve a problem right now?
Learn more, get knowledge
What does John Ousterhout say is the most fundamental problem in CS (he disagrees with Donald Knuth)?
Problem decomposition
What kind of memory can flashcards only help you with to an extent because it needs literal practice?
Procedural memory
What did John Ousterhout say about what Donald Knuth believes is the most fundamental problem in CS?
Layers of abstraction
What idea did many people think was an unfortunate course of Donald Knuth's career but had some good ideas popular today that are used in tools that extract API documentation from code?
Literate programming
What tool often used with Ruby allows writing tests that specify the behavior of the application from the outside using statements that begin with Given, When, and Then that are translated into code according to step definitions?
What might be the implementation of a step definition that visits the root path of the web application using the Capybara API?
visit "/"
What language is essentially English if you start every sentence with one of these words: given, when, then, and?
What gem/domain-specific language can be used to automate a web browser with the same API whether the underlying driver is :rack_test or the Selenium WebDriver API?
What MIT press book is called the "Wizard Book?"
SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)