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What is a heightened stimulus that elicits a stronger response than is natural (e.g. junk food engineered to have the optimal amounts of salt, sugar, fats, and dynamic contrast to excite your brain to the maximum extent possible)?
A supernormal stimulus
What chemical plays important roles in motivation, learning/memory, punishment/aversion, voluntary movement, anticipating pleasure, and pleasure itself?
What neurotransmitter increases during the anticipation of a reward according to Atomic Habits?
Atomic Habits discusses the rise of dopamine when anticipating a reward to argue what?
We should make (the craving of) good habits attractive
What technique is to link an action that you want to do with something that you need to do?
Temptation bundling
What principle says that more probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors?
The Premack principle
What is the format of the implementation intention when using the temptation bundling technique?
After [habit I need], I will [habit I want]
What is a technique that applies the Premack principle to create a heightened version of a habit you want to have by following it with a rewarding (possibly even bad) habit?
Temptation bundling
Not every good [...] can be transformed into a [...], but we can still make them more enticing.
Not every good habit can be transformed into a supernormal stimulus, but we can still make them more enticing.
The start of the [...] of a habit can be tracked by measuring [...] (this makes mice behave like crazy).
The start of the craving of a habit can be tracked by measuring dopamine (this makes mice behave like crazy).
A [...] is a heightened version of reality that elicits a stronger response than usual: junk food.
A supernormal stimulus is a heightened version of reality that elicits a stronger response than usual: junk food.
100% of the [...] is active during wanting but only 10% during liking (Atomic Habits).
100% of the nucleus accumbens is active during wanting but only 10% during liking (Atomic Habits).
[...] is released when anticipating pleasure in addition to the pleasure itself (Atomic Habits).
Dopamine is released when anticipating pleasure in addition to the pleasure itself (Atomic Habits).