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What outcome was a result of a study where college students taking a course were divided into a quantity group and quality group for taking photos over a semester?
The highest quality photos were largely taken by the quantity group
What is the difference between motion and action in Atomic Habits?
Motion is planning, strategizing, learning. Action is the behavior that delivers an outcome.
The difference between reading about healthy dieting and eating a healthy meal demonstrates the difference between what?
Motion and action
What is the key to mastering a new habit?
Practice (get repetitions in)
What could be summarized as "neurons that fire together wire together?"
Hebb's law
How is long-term potentiation related to repetitions and practice causing a behavior to gradually become automatic?
Neural connections tighten with each repetition
What is the ability to perform a behavior without thinking about each step?
Automaticity, being able to do something without thinking about each step involved, means what is taking over?
The nonconscious mind
Essentially, to build a new habit, you must do what (one word)?
Habit formation may be related to [...] (with each repetition, neural connections tighten--Atomic Habits).
Habit formation may be related to long-term potentiation (with each repetition, neural connections tighten--Atomic Habits).
Repetition of a habit leads to clear physical changes in the [...].
Repetition of a habit leads to clear physical changes in the brain.