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What word is a common synonym for a fault?
Good programming leads to more time spent doing what than what?
More time spent testing than debugging
Why is testing early a good idea?
To catch bugs before they affect people and when they are easy to fix
According to Code Craft, studies show that there are how many errors per 1000 SLOC in carefully tested software?
0.5 to 3
What advocates that test code is written before the code being tested?
Test-driven development
According to Code Craft, what is the golden rule of testing?
According to Code Craft, how often should tests be run?
More often than humanly possible (continuous integration)
What will happen in macro level testing if micro level testing is not thorough?
It will be hindered by mistakes
What is the comment to put at the top of a Ruby source code file to enforce frozen string literals?
# frozen_string_literal: true