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What Ruby version manager does Anki Books recommend?
What file in Anki Books tells rbenv the Ruby version?
What database does Anki Books use that is the best open-source relational database management system since Oracle took over MySQL?
What is it called when you checkout a lone commit instead of a branch, and not in a branch?
A detached head
What could be simply defined as a running program?
A process
What is the CLI for manual pages in a Bash shell?
What letter is to exit a man page on Linux?
What package manager on Ubuntu could you use to install git?
What command can you use to generate ssh keys on a Ubuntu machine for example?
What directory in your home directory is where the ssh-keygen command puts your and private key?
What file in the Anki Books source is infrastructure as code (1 file) that specifies a Docker container that can run Anki Books?
What is the other main Ruby version manager (not rbenv)?