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What is the philosophy of searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything, in order to improve each individual thing to make the overall result better?
The aggregation of marginal gains
How does the effect of time generally change with respect to if you have good versus bad habits?
With good habits, time is your ally. With bad habits, it is your enemy
What is more important than where you currently are (Atomic Habits)?
Your trajectory
Atomic habits notes that your outcomes are what?
Lagging measures of your habits
What is the period of time where small good habits do not yield noticeable results while trying to improve at something?
The plateau of latent potential
What is the essential way to survive the plateau of latent potential?
Focus on systems instead of goals
What is the difference between goals and systems (Atomic Habits)?
Goals are the results we want, systems are what lead to the results
Since successful and unsuccessful people often share the same goals, it cannot be the goals themselves that make some people successful. What should you do?
Focus on systems instead of goals
What is an alternative way to think to not have goals restrict your happiness?
Focus on systems instead of goals
What are small, easy to do things that contribute to your overall improvement and system of compound growth?
Atomic habits
What is a way you can avoid having your progress slow down when you achieve a goal?
Focus on systems instead of goals
[...] magnifies the margin between success and failure.
Time magnifies the margin between success and failure.
Break down everything that you can think of that goes into something, make each thing better by 1%, and when you put it all together it will improve the overall result greatly: [...].
Break down everything that you can think of that goes into something, make each thing better by 1%, and when you put it all together it will improve the overall result greatly: aggregation of marginal gains.
A [...] is often the result of many previous small actions that increased the potential of a sudden change happening.
A breakthrough moment is often the result of many previous small actions that increased the potential of a sudden change happening.
The [...] is a strategy of searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything that you do.
The aggregation of marginal gains is a strategy of searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything that you do.
With [...], [...] is your ally, and with [...], it is your enemy.
With good habits, time is your ally, and with bad habits, it is your enemy.
The most powerful outcomes will be delayed: this is one of the reasons why it is hard to build [...].
The most powerful outcomes will be delayed: this is one of the reasons why it is hard to build good habits.
[...] are small habits that build a larger system that will deliver remarkable results in the long term.
Atomic habits are small habits that build a larger system that will deliver remarkable results in the long term.
[...] are the processes that lead to the results.
Systems are the processes that lead to the results.