Chapter 1
Every type of computer or digital device is based on a set of chips which are made of logic gates. A logic gate is a device that implements a Boolean function. A Boolean function is a function that operates on binary inputs (1 and 0) and returns binary outputs. And, Or, and Not are a set of three Boolean functions. This set can be used to realize any Boolean function. Even more impressive is that And, Or, and Not can all be expressed using only Nand. Therefore any Boolean function can be expressed using only Nand.
Any Boolean function can be expressed as a truth table. Any truth table can also be expressed as a Boolean function.
Hardware Description Language is a formalism used to design chip architecture. A hardware simulator takes the HDL program and creates a software representation of the chip logic. The simulator tests the virtual chip against a series of inputs and computes the chip outputs, which are compared to the desired outputs of the chip.
The first few chips implemented in this chapter were simple enough to reason out as Boolean functions:
Not(in) = out = Nand(in, in) And(a, b) = out = Not(Nand(a, b)) Or(a, b) = out = Nand(Not(a), Not(b)) Xor(a, b) = out = Or(And(Not(a), b), And(a, Not(b))) Mux(a, b, sel) = out = Or(And(Not(sel), a), And(sel, b)) DMux(sel, in) = a, b = And(Not(sel), in) , And(sel, in)
Chapter 2
Word size is a common hardware term for the number of bits used by a computer to represent a basic chunk of information (for example an integer). Using n bits, we can represent the integers from 0 to 2^n - 1.
When adding binary numbers, overflow occurs when the most significant bit addition generates a carry of 1. In this course we just ignore overflow.
The two's complement method is a coding scheme commonly used to represent signed numbers in binary code. The two's complement binary code that represents negative x is taken to be the code that represents 2^n - x. This allows for n bits to code 2^n binary numbers ranging from -2^(n-1) to 2^(n-1) - 1. The code of any nonnegative number begins with a 0. The code of any negative number begins with a 1. A nice feature of the two's complement method is that subtraction is handled as a special case of addition. For example, 5 + (-7) is 0101 + 1001 = 1110 which is the binary code for -2.
Chapter 3
In the first 2 chapters we built chips which were time independent; these are sometimes called combinational. In this chapter we build sequential or clocked chips, which have outputs which depend not only on the inputs in the current time but also on previous inputs and outputs.
In addition to the Nand gate, a second built-in chip is taken to be the data flip-flip (DFF).
Time is taken to be a discrete thing broken into cycles. The cycle length must be chosen such that it is long enough to contain the longest possible time delay in the system. The cycles are realized by an oscillator that alternates continuously between 0 and 1; this master clock signal is simultaneously broadcast to every memory chip in the system where it is funneled into the DFF gates.
The DFF interface includes a single-bit input, a single-bit output, and a clock input from the master clock signal; this allows the DFF to implement the behavior out(t) = in(t-1). At the end of each clock cycle, the DFFs output their inputs from the previous cycle.
Chapter 4
Memory refers to the collection of hardware devices that store data and instructions in a computer. A memory is a continuous sequence of cells called memory registers, each of which has a unique address. The processor (the CPU) is a device capable of performing a fixed set of primitive operations, including arithmetic, logical, memory access, and control operations. The CPU also has registers, which are data registers (which hold data values) or address registers (which hold values interpreted as data or memory addresses).
Machine language can be written in two ways: binary and symbolic. Symbolic machine languages are called assembly languages and programs that translate assembly languages into binary code are called assemblers. The syntax of an assembly language is tightly coupled to the details of the target hardware, such as the available ALU operations, number and type of registers, memory size, etc.
The Hack computer follows a hardware paradigm called von Neumann architecture. Hack uses a data memory (RAM) and an instruction memory (ROM). Hack instructions are designed to manipulate three 16-bit registers: D, A, and M. D is a data register used to store a 16-bit value. A serves as both an address register and data register. The Hack instruction @17 stores the value 17 in the A register. To set the D register to 17, we use @17 followed by D=A. @xxx has two side effects. It makes the RAM register whose address is xxx the selected memory register M. It also makes the value of the ROM register whose address is xxx the selected instruction. xxx is a decimal value ranging from 0 to 32767.
The Hack language features two types of instructions: A-instructions and C-instructions. A-instructions are the ones which start with @, all other instructions are C-instructions. The A-instruction (symbolic version: @xxx) sets the A register to some 15-bit value and consists of two fields, an op-code which is 0 and fifteen bits that code a nonnegative binary number. For example @5 is 0000000000000101.
The C-instruction (symbolic version: dest = comp ; jump) specifies what to compute (comp), where to store the computed value (dest) and what to do next (jump). comp is mandatory; if dest is empty, the = is omitted; if jump is empty, the ; is omitted. In binary, the leftmost bit is the op-code which is 1. The next two bits are also 1 by convention. The next seven bits represent the comp field. The next three bits represent the dest field. The rightmost three bits represent the jump field.
Chapter 5
von Neumann architecture underlies the design of the Hack computer we are building. The stored program concept is storing the program in the computer's memory like data instead of embedding the program in the hardware, and is a key element of the von Neumann machine. The von Neumann architecture is based on a CPU interacting with a memory device, receiving data from an input device, and emitting data to an output device. The memory is divided into a data memory which is dedicated to data and an instruction memory dedicated to instructions.
Article notes
Every type of computer or digital device is based on a set of chips which are made of:
Logic gates
What is a device that implements a Boolean function?
A logic gate
What is a function that operates on binary inputs and returns binary outputs?
A Boolean function
What set of three Boolean functions (excluding Nand) can be used to realize any Boolean function?
And, Or, and Not
What Boolean function can be used to realize And, Or, and Not?
Any Boolean function can be expressed as a table called a:
Truth table
Can any truth table be represented as a Boolean function?
What is a formalism used to design chip architecture?
Hardware Description Language
What is a common hardware term for the number of bits used by a computer to represent a basic chunk of information?
Word size
What is it called when adding binary numbers, the most significant bit addition generates a carry of 1?