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What term refers to the high-level design of a software system and also invokes the building metaphor?
What is the single largest influence on the design and future growth of a software system according to Code Craft?
The architecture
What are the two things that Code Craft says architecture mostly concerns itself with?
Components and connections
Code Craft divides the connections in software architecture into what two categories?
Asynchronous and synchronous
What describes a function call that blocks the caller until the implementation has completed the call?
What describes a function call where control is immediately returned to the caller with an arrangement for something to happen later?
What type of pasta is a metaphor for basically having no architecture?
Spaghetti ball
What type of pasta is a metaphor for layered architecture?
What type of pasta would describe the architecture of the OSI seven-layer reference model for network communication systems?
What type of pasta is a metaphor for the architecture given to you out of the box by a framework like Ruby on Rails?
Canned ravioli
What does Code Craft say is the key to good software architecture?
What is usually seen as the lowest level in a layered architecture?
The hardware interface
What is usually seen as the highest level in a layered architecture?
The user interface
What turn around the pattern of a traditional library where you have the thread of control and explicit calls are made into the library according to Code Craft?
Frameworks (the framework manages the thread of control and makes calls into your supplied code)