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What is the only document that describes a program completely and correctly?
The program (code) itself
What does Code Craft say is the main quality of code that can make it self-documenting?
It is easy to read
When does Code Craft recommend adding comments to code?
When you cannot improve the clarity in any other way
What was the self-documenting code technique conceived by Donald Knuth that involves writing a document that compiles into the program?
Literate programming
What is the tool that popularized generating documentation from source code (and now there are many similar tools that sit about halfway between literate programming and external specifications)?
What is the Code Craft stance on documentation extracted from specifically formatted comments in the source code?
It is an excellent approach to API documentation
What idea which was not popular (but has some good points to consider) essentially took self-documenting code to the extreme?
Literate programming
What is the main reason to make code as self-documenting as possible according to Code Craft?
It is the only documentation you will always have