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What is the first software program that runs when a computer starts?
A boot loader
What originated in 1995 when Erich Boleyn was trying to boot the GNU Hurd with the University of Utah's Mach 4 microkernel?
What is the University of Utah's Mach 4 microkernel now known as?
GNU Mach
What did Erich and Brian Ford design because they were determined not to add to the large number of mutually-incompatible PC boot methods?
Multiboot Specification
What is a rewrite of GRUB that shares many characteristics with the previous version, now known as GRUB Legacy?
"GRUB is basically a disk-based boot loader but also has network support."
What protocol can be used to load OS images from a network?
What did Gordon Matzigkeit say is the most important software of all?
The boot loader
What is the more desirable distinct boot method of GRUB?
Load an operating system directly
What is a sequence of characters that GRUB considers to be a single unit?
A word
What is used in GRUB to remove the special meaning of certain characters or words?
What is the distinct boot method of GRUB for when GRUB does not support the operating system natively?
Load a boot loader when then loads an operating system
When nobody understood what Gordon Matzigkeit was talking about, what word did he end up using as a pseudonym for GRUB?
What does GRUB use an advanced BIOS query technique in order to look for on a PC-compatible machine (and find all that has been installed)?
What spec is the primary requirement for GRUB to be compliant with?
Multiboot Specification
What did Erich and Brian Ford design because they were determined not to add to the large number of mutually-incompatible PC boot methods?
Multiboot Specification
What boot loader by the end of 2009 was to the point where multiple major distributions were installing it by default?
What boot loader did Enrich realize he was better off writing his own?
What is responsible for loading and transferring control to an operating system kernel software (such as Linux or GNU Mach)?
A boot loader
What understands filesystems and kernel executable formats so you can load an arbitrary operating system the way you like, without recording the physical position of your kernel on the disk?
What gets control and then initializes the rest of the operating system (e.g. a GNU system)?
A kernel
What is the mechanism for loading unsupported operating systems by loading another boot loader (like DOS or Windows)?
What name of the GNU Project boot loader is short for GNU GRand Unified Bootloader?
What is the reference implementation of the Free Software Foundation's Multiboot Specification?
What Free Software Foundation spec provides a user the choice to boot one of multiple OSes installed on a computer or select a kernel configuration available on a particular operating system's partitions?
Multiboot Specification
What finds the primary bootable device (usually the computer's hard disk) and runs the initial bootstrap program from the master boot record (MBR)?
What is the first sector of a hard disk and is where the initial bootstrap program has to fit?
The master boot record
What program does the BIO run from the master boot record in the primary bootable device?
The bootstrap program
What in BIOS-based systems has the duty to access the content of kernel files so it can be loaded into RAM and executed (the concept of a file system is unknown to the BIOS)?
The boot loader
What is a program that boots an operating system by configuring it and starting the kernel?
A boot loader
What was the limit on size of the hard disk sector where the master boot record was stored for a long time, until 2009?
512 bytes
What does GRUB stand for?
GNU GRand Unified Bootloader
What may truly be the greatest tool for booting Linux and practically any other OS?
What tiny, function-specific operating system can boot Linux and practically any other OS?
Where do you install GRUB onto a system's first hard disk if you want to do that?
The master boot record (MBR)
What shell does GRUB imitate with similar command history and completion features?
What command at the Linux command prompt brings up an emulator of GRUB's command shell environment?
What is the thing that if you cream, you should turn to your GRUB boot floppy?
Your master boot record (MBR)
What is "truly the greatest loader for booting Linux and practically any other OS?"
What program, independent of any OS, can be thought of as a tiny, function-specific OS with the purpose of recognizing filesystems and booting images, providing menu-driven and command-line interfaces to do so?
What is the GNU GRand Unified Bootloader?
What is "in its element with the multiboot, multidisk systems typical of Linux and open-source adventurers who may simultaneously test or track several Linux distributions, the BSDs, GNU/Hurd, BeOS and perhaps that vestigial partition for Mr. Bill?"
What can you build and work with for learning and it can double as a tool to rescue systems with trashed boot loaders?
A GRUB boot floppy
Is the substitution model described in SICP normal-order evaluation or applicative-order evaluation?
Applicative-order evaluation
What are the operator and operands of a Lisp expression considered, that must be evaluated for the expression to be evaluated?
What evaluation model is described in SICP as simply evaluating the operator and operands and applying the resulting procedure to the resulting arguments?
Applicative-order evaluation
What evaluation model is described in SICP as something that involves "fully expand and reduce" and not evaluating the operands until their values are needed?
Normal-order evaluation
What is the important difference between mathematical functions and computer procedures according to SICP?
Procedures must be effective
What example does SICP give to show how a mathematical function is not "effective"?
Define the square-root function of x as the y such that y is greater than or equal to zero and y squared is x. This describes a legitimate mathematical function but it does not describe a procedure because it does not tell us how to find the square root of a given number
What type of knowledge is computer science concerned with from the perspective of SICP?
Imperative knowledge
What method for computing square roots involves taking a guess y for the value of the square root of a number x and averaging y with x/y to get a better guess?
Newton's method of successive approximations
Newton's method of successive approximations is just a special case of what general technique for finding roots of equations?
Newton's method
What dictates that free variables in a procedure are taken to refer to bindings made by enclosing procedure definitions (SICP)?
Lexical scoping
What does SICP say is the most common way to compute square roots?
Newton's method of successive approximations
What does SICP call the name of a formal parameter of a procedure?
A bound variable
What does SICP call the set of expressions for which a binding defines a name?
Scope (the scope of that name)
(define (good-enough? guess x) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
What names here are bound?
guess x
What does SICP call nesting procedure definitions inside procedure definitions, that allows for lexical scoping in Lisp, and originated with Algol 60?
Block structure
What phrase did Peter Landin coin for special syntactic forms that are simply convenient alternative surface structures for things that can be written in more uniform ways?
Syntactic sugar
What does syntactic sugar cause, in the words of Alan Perlis?
Cancer of the semicolon
What kind of statements are used to construct programs (declarative or imperative)?
What kind of statements are used to deduce things (declarative or imperative)?
What convention does Lisp obey that is the source of the quip "Lisp programmers know the value of everything but the cost of nothing" (Alan Perlis paraphrasing Oscar Wilde)?
Every expression has a value
What does SICP call local procedures using a free variable that is in scope there because it is bound in the definition of an enclosing procedure?
Lexical scoping
(define (good-enough? guess x) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
What names here are free?
abs square < -
What can we say a procedure is if it is defined in terms of itself?
What type of knowledge is mathematics concerned with from the perspective of SICP?
Declarative knowledge
What are the two kinds of knowledge that SICP notes are related to the contrast between functions and procedures?
Declarative knowledge and imperative knowledge
When repeatedly (recursively) evaluating subexpressions of a Lisp expression, eventually what will need to be evaluated rather than combinations?
Primitive expressions
What does SICP call the context in which evaluation takes place and would provide the meaning of the symbol x in an expression such as (+ x 1)?
The environment
What is something like (define x 3) that is an exception to the general evaluation rule (in this case since the purpose of define is to associate x with a value)?
A special form
What are Lisp descriptions of processes?
What did John Locke call "separating [ideas] from all other ideas that accompany them in their real existence?"
What serves as a framework within which we organize our ideas about processes and also are a means of instructing a computer to do things?
A programming language
What is an appropriate (or at least good enough for SICP) language to describe computational processes?
What language will our procedural thoughts be expressed in (after reading the wizard book)?
What was Lisp, with a focus on reasoning about recursive equations, supposed to be an academic model of?
What was the most notable language designed by John McCarthy?
What type of equations was Lisp invented to reason about?
Recursive equations
What do master software engineers do to their programs when problems arise?
What special symbol can be used in SICP Lisp in place of the predicate in the final clause of a cond, that will cause the cond to return as its value the value of the corresponding expression when all previous clauses have been bypassed?
What special form in SICP Lisp is a restricted type of conditional that can be used when there are precisely two cases in the case analysis?
What is the special form in Lisp for notating a case analysis, such as the definition of an absolute value function?
What does the #lang sicp Scheme print when you enter this expression?
What does the #lang sicp Scheme print when you enter this expression?
(+ 5 3 4)
What does the #lang sicp Scheme print when you enter this expression?
(-9 1)
What does the #lang sicp Scheme print when you enter this expression?
(/ 6 2)
What will a Lisp interpreter respond with by printing if you present it with just a number like the following?
What does the #lang sicp Scheme print when you enter this expression?
(= 3 4)
What is the thing called in SICP that shows the value of each subcombination in a combination in a treelike way that looks like a head scratcher?
A tree representation
How are all complex ideas made according to John Locke?
Combining several simple ideas
What is separating ideas away from all other ideas that occur with them in reality according to John Locke?
What most primitive operations are elements that must appear in any powerful programming language?
Arithmetic operators
What type of ideas are gained by setting simple and complex ideas by one another so as to take a view of them at once?
What is the way that all general ideas are made according to John Locke?
What is an abstract being that inhabits a computer?
A computational process
What is a pattern of rules that direct the evolution of a computational process?
A program
What is like a sorcerer's idea of a spirit in computation?
A computational process
What is like a sorcerer's spell conjuring a computational process?
A program
Can a computational process be seen or touched?
Is a computational process composed of matter?
Is a computational process even a real thing?
What are languages used to prescribe the tasks we want our computational processes to perform?
Programming languages
What are the arcane and esoteric things we use to carefully compose symbolic expressions to control computational processes?
Programming languages
What do people create to direct computational processes?
What provides a means of combining operations in Lisp and must appear in any powerful programming language?
What associates names with values, provides a limited means of abstraction, and must appear in any powerful programming language?
What does SICP call an abstraction technique more powerful than association names with values and is how a compound operation can be given a name and then referred to as a unit?
Procedure definitions
What defines a method called square that squares a number x in SICP Lisp?
(define (square x) (* x x))
What type of models do we begin with when modeling phenomena in science and engineering in general (related to the substitution model of procedure application in SICP)?
Simplified, incomplete models
What possible evaluation model in SICP is "evaluate the arguments and then apply?"
Applicative-order evaluation
What possible evaluation model in SICP is "fully expand and then reduce?"
Normal-order evaluation
(+ (square (+ 5 1))
(square (* 5 2)))
In what evaluation model would that become the following?
(+ (* (+ 5 1) (+ 5 1))
(* (* 5 2) (* 5 2)))
Normal-order evaluation
Do normal-order and applicative-order evaluation produce the same value?
What is the special construct in SICP Lisp for notating a case analysis such as you would need to do to compute the absolute value of a number?
cond in is a "special form" in SICP Lisp that notates is used to notate a what?
A case analysis
What does SICP call an expression whose value is interpreted as either true or false and also a procedure that returns true or false?
A predicate
What is a way to define a procedure for the abs of x (absolute value of x) that uses cond in SICP Lisp?
(define (abs x)
(cond ((> x 0) x)
((= x 0) 0)
((< x 0) (- x))))
What is a way to define a procedure for the abs of x (absolute value of x) that uses cond and else in SICP Lisp?
(define (abs x)
(cond ((< x 0) (- x))
(else x)))
What is the "special form" in SICP Lisp that is a "restricted type of conditional that can be used when there are precisely two cases in the case analysis?"
What are the three most frequently used primitive logical composition operators in SICP Lisp?
and, or, and not
What key thing is true of not and or in SICP Lisp that make them special forms and not procedures?
The subexpressions are not necessarily all evaluated
How might the condition that a number x be in the range 5 < x < 10 be expressed in SICP Lisp?
(and (> x 5) (< x 10))
What is a way to define a procedure for the abs of x (absolute value of x) that uses if in SICP Lisp?
(define (abs x)
(if (< x 0)
(- x)
The use of procedures with what type of data causes the substitution model in SICP to break down?
Mutable data
Is the purpose of the substitution model that SICP uses for procedure application meant to be how the interpreter really works or to help us think about procedure application?
Only to help us think
What most primitive data are elements that must appear in any powerful programming language?
What are + and * examples of primitives of in Lisp?
What is a Lisp expression to subtract 334 from 1000?
(- 1000 334)
What are expressions like these examples of?
(/ 10 5)
(+ 2.7 10)
(* 5 99)
What does SICP define as "a list of expressions within parentheses in order to denote procedure application?"
What is the leftmost element in a Lisp combination called?
The operator
What are the elements other than the operator called in a Lisp combination?
Values of the operands in a Lisp combination when the procedure specified is applied are called what?
What expressions represent the simplest entities a programming language is concerned with (SICP)?
Primitive expressions
What is a common name for the convention of placing the operator to the left of the operands in Lisp expressions?
Prefix notation
What does SICP call when "each long combination is written so that the operands are aligned vertically?"
What is the keyword used to name things in the Scheme dialect of Lisp?
What is the Lisp combination that uses define to associate the value 2 with the name size?
(define size 2)
What is the Lisp combination that uses define to associate the value 10 with the name radius?
(define radius 10)
SICP says that complex programs are constructed by building, step by step, what (of increasing complexity)?
Computational objects
What does a Lisp program usually consist of a large number of relatively simple instances of?
What is the memory (and more precise version of the term) that the Lisp interpreter uses to keep track of name-object pairs according to SICP?
The global environment
What is the Lisp interpreter itself following according to SICP?
A procedure
What number step is this to evaluate a combination according to SICP?
"Evaluate the subexpressions of the combination."
To evaluate a combination, do the following:
Evaluate the subexpressions of the combination.
Apply the procedure that is the value of the leftmost subexpression (the operator) to the arguments that are the values of the other subexpressions (the operands).
What is the first fundamental thing to observe about this evaluation rule?
The evaluation rule is recursive
What general kind of process is the SICP evaluation rule forming hierarchical, treelike objects an example of?
Tree accumulation
How many combinations are there here?
(* (+ 2 (* 4 6)) (+ 3 5 7))
What number step is this to evaluate a combination according to SICP?
"Apply the procedure that is the value of the leftmost subexpression (the operator) to the arguments that are the values of the other subexpressions (the operands)."
What keyword is the Scheme language's simplest means of abstraction according to SICP?
Speaking in principle, is there any limit to the depth of nesting of Lisp combinations having elements that are themselves Lisp combinations?
Any powerful programming language must have primitives of what two things?
Procedures and data
What are the two kinds of elements that we use in programming according to SICP?
Procedures and data
What does SICP say "later we will discover that they are really not so distinct."?
Procedures and data
What mechanism of powerful programming languages is where compound elements can be named and manipulated as units?
Means of abstraction
What does SICP define as an abstract being that inhabits a computer?
A computational process
What is a machine that carries out processes described in the Lisp language?
A Lisp interpreter
What were the two main capabilities for attacking algebraic expressions that Lisp was designed for?
Differentiation and integration
What programming language is an acronym for LISt Processing?
What two adjectives does SICP use to describe the languages that we use to write programs?
Arcane and esoteric
What activity is in effect conjuring the spirits of the computer by writing spells?
What is a very real thing that can perform intellectual work, but might seem like a sorcerer's idea of a spirit?
A computational process
“Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine” conceived what?
What two data object types did Lisp have that no other programming language had?
Atoms and lists
What programming language is great for studying how important programming constructs relate to the linguistic features that support them?
What version of Lisp does SICP say it uses?
What type of logical expressions was Lisp invented for reasoning about as a model for computation?
Recursive equations
What is an appropriate language for describing computational processes according to Structure and Interpretation of Programs?
What dialect of Lisp is discussed in SICP?
What can you create to control a computational process?
A program
What is a pattern of rules that controls a computational process?
A program
What does SICP call an abstract being that inhabits a computer?
A computational process
What does SICP call the abstract things that computational processes manipulate as they evolve?
What are the abstract things that computational processes manipulate as they evolve?
What does SICP call a pattern of rules that directs the evolution of a computational process?
A program
What can be created to effectively conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells?
What does SICP say is very much like a sorcerer's idea of a spirit?
A computational process
What are carefully composed from symbolic expressions in arcane and esoteric programming languages to prescribe the tasks we want our computational spirits to perform?
What programming language was invented in the late 1950s as a formalism for reasoning about the use of recursive equations as a model for computation?
Who conceived Lisp and wrote the 1960 paper that the language is based on?
John McCarthy
What is a machine that carries out processes described in the Lisp language?
A Lisp interpreter
What year did Common Lisp become an ANSI standard?
What language was used for the breakthrough computation that integrated the motion of the Solar System?
What are Lisp descriptions of processes called?
What language was Lisp very inefficient for numerical computations compared to in the beginning?
What is the name Lisp an acronym for?
LISt Processing
What is the second oldest programming language in widespread use today?
What programming language was designed to provide symbol-manipulating capabilities for attacking problems such as symbolic differentiation and integration of algebraic expressions and included for this purpose data objects known as atoms and lists that set it apart from all other languages at the time?
What programming language does SICP say is the only programming language older than Lisp that is still in use today?
What are Lisp descriptions of processes that themselves can be represented and manipulated as Lisp data?
What mechanisms for combining simple ideas into more complex ideas present in every powerful language represent the simplest entities the language is concerned with?
Primitive expressions
What mechanisms for combining simple ideas into more complex ideas present in every powerful language are the way that compound elements can be named and manipulated as units?
Means of abstraction
What are the two kinds of elements that SICP says we deal with in programming and that are really not so distinct?
Procedures and data
(+ 137 349)
(- 1000 334)
(* 5 99)
(/ 10 5)
Expressions such as these that are formed by delimiting a list of expressions within parentheses in order to denote procedure application are called what?
(+ 137 349)
What is the leftmost element in the list and what are the others?
The leftmost element is the operator and the rest are the operands
What is the name for the convention of placing the operator to the left of the operands?
Prefix notation
What is the name for the basic cycle where an interpreter reads an expression from the terminal, evaluates it, and prints the result?
Read-eval-print loop
What is the first step of how a Lisp interpreter must evaluate a combination (an expression) that makes the procedure recursive?
Evaluate the subexpressions of the combination
What refers to elementary data types that are basic, indivisible building blocks in any programming language?
Atomic data
What can you prefix an unbound identifier with to prevent it from being evaluated in Racket?
An apostrophe (')
What is the primary non-atomic data structure in Racket?
The list
What is the syntax for a list with some numbers in Racket?
(list 1 2 3)
According to the Racket book, a list is a special case of something called a what?
An s-expression
What do large programs grow from?
Small programs
What do we call the standard program structures we have an arsenal of that we can combine into larger structures using organizational techniques of proven value?
What word does SICP use to describe the enterprise that is called programming?
What does SICP claim "computer science" is (it "is not a science")?
Procedural epistemology
What is the study of the structure of knowledge from an imperative point of view, as opposed to the more declarative point of view taken by classical mathematical subjects?
Procedural epistemology
What is Lisp's native data structure that is largely responsible for the growth of utility where Lisp libraries have lots of useful functions?
The list
What are programs called that perform some precise mathematical function such as sorting or finding the maximum of a sequence of numbers?
What always operates at a level more primitive than that at which we care to program?
What activity involves planning the course of an action to be taken by a process where we control the process by means of a program?
What does SICP call "a pattern for the local evolution of a computational process"?
A procedure
What are the important computational resources that SICP investigates the rate at which processes consume?
Time and space
What is an implementation called when it involves an iterative process in constant space, even if the iterative process is described by a recursive procedure?
According to SICP, one of the criteria for an implementation to be tail-recursive is for an iterative process to be in what, even if the iterative process is described by a recursive procedure?
Constant space
SICP says an implementation is tail-recursive if an iterative process is in constant space, even if the iterative process is what (a kind of procedure)?
A recursive procedure
What is the notion that SICP discusses as a gross measure of the resources required by a process as the inputs become larger?
Order of growth
What common pattern of computation is demonstrated by a simple translation of a Fibonnaci numbers rule into a recursive procedure ("it is a terrible way to compute Fibonacci numbers because it does so much redundant computation")?
Tree recursion
(define (fib n)
(cond ((= n 0) 0)
((= n 1) 1)
(else (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2))))))
Every type of computer or digital device is based on a set of chips which are made of:
Logic gates
What is a device that implements a Boolean function?
A logic gate
What is a function that operates on binary inputs and returns binary outputs?
A Boolean function
What set of three Boolean functions (excluding Nand) can be used to realize any Boolean function?
And, Or, and Not
What Boolean function can be used to realize And, Or, and Not?
Any Boolean function can be expressed as a table called a:
Truth table
Can any truth table be represented as a Boolean function?
What is a formalism used to design chip architecture?
Hardware Description Language
What is a common hardware term for the number of bits used by a computer to represent a basic chunk of information?
Word size
What is it called when adding binary numbers, the most significant bit addition generates a carry of 1?