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What is the philosophy of searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything, in order to improve each individual thing to make the overall result better?
The aggregation of marginal gains
How does the effect of time generally change with respect to if you have good versus bad habits?
With good habits, time is your ally. With bad habits, it is your enemy
What is more important than where you currently are (Atomic Habits)?
Your trajectory
Atomic habits notes that your outcomes are what?
Lagging measures of your habits
What is the period of time where small good habits do not yield noticeable results while trying to improve at something?
The plateau of latent potential
What is the essential way to survive the plateau of latent potential?
Focus on systems instead of goals
What is the difference between goals and systems (Atomic Habits)?
Goals are the results we want, systems are what lead to the results
Since successful and unsuccessful people often share the same goals, it cannot be the goals themselves that make some people successful. What should you do?
Focus on systems instead of goals
What is an alternative way to think to not have goals restrict your happiness?
Focus on systems instead of goals
What are small, easy to do things that contribute to your overall improvement and system of compound growth?
Atomic habits
What is a way you can avoid having your progress slow down when you achieve a goal?
Focus on systems instead of goals
Atomic Habits points out that true, long-lasting changes in habits are a result of what?
Identity change
What are the three layers that you can focus on change in (Atomic Habits)?
Goals (outcomes), systems (processes), identity
What is the deepest layer at which habit change can happen?
What is the optimal direction of change in the 3 layers in the habit change onion?
Starting with identity and outward
Behavior that is what will not last according to Atomic Habits?
Incongruent with the identity
What may be the biggest barrier to positive change when trying to form good habits?
Identity conflict
To become the best version of yourself, what must you always be doing?
Editing your beliefs to upgrade and expand your identity
Each time you repeat a habit is like a vote for what?
It's like a vote for the person you become
What is the simple two step process to change your identity according to Atomic Habits?
Decide the type of person you want to be and then prove it to yourself with small wins (habits)
What is the North Star of habit change?
Identity change
What contributes a lot to the formation of your identity purely due to how often they contribute to the evidence of who you are?
What are behaviors that have apparently been repeated enough times to become automatic?
Given a new situation where you do not know what to do, naturally you use trial and error and make conscious decisions, occasionally stumbling on something that works. Over time, the useless actions fade away, and the more useful actions that work get reinforced. This is a description of what?
Habits forming
What might be called automatic solutions to regular problems?
What might be considered reliable solutions to recurring problems in our environment?
What are like cognitive scripts that can be followed automatically when the situation is appropriate, memories of steps you previously followed to solve problems in the past?
What are useful because they reduce cognitive load to allocate attention to other tasks?
What four steps are the backbone of every habit and can be translated into laws for building habits?
Cue, craving, response, reward
What is the step related to a habit where some information that predicts a reward is close is noticed?
What is the step in a habit where there is a reason to act (an interpretation of a cue)?
What is the step related to a habit which is the performance of the habit?
What is the step related to a habit which is the end goal of the habit (what is delivered by the response)?
What are the two purposes of the rewards in habit performing/forming?
They satisfy us and they teach us (which actions are worth remembering in the future)
To make a good habit, what should you make the cue?
To make a good habit, what should you make the craving?
To make a good habit, what should you make the response?
To make a good habit, what should you make the reward?
To break a bad habit, what should you make the cue?
To break a bad habit, what should you make the craving?
To break a bad habit, what should you make the response?
To break a bad habit, what should you make the reward?
What is a strategy for getting rid of bad habits that is to simply point to and declare that the habit is about to happen when the cue is noticed?
Pointing and calling
If you were trying to lose weight and noticed yourself about to eat a cookie, and said out loud "I am about to eat this cookie, but I do not need to" this would be an example of what strategy?
Pointing and calling
If you wanted to be a person who did not lay in bed for a long time in the morning, and were about to start looking at your phone, but said "I am about to start scrolling on my phone while laying in bed which will delay starting my day" this would be an application of what strategy?
Pointing and calling
If you were trying to break the habit of picking at your fingernails, and as you were about to do so, noticed and said "I am about to ruin the look of my fingernails to satisfy some kind of anxiety" this would be doing what?
Pointing and calling
To make a list of all of your daily habits, and score them as good, bad, or neutral based on if they will help you to become the type of person you want to be in the long run, is what strategy?
The habit score card
In constructing a habit score card, what is the criteria for a habit to be considered a good habit?
Will it help me become the type of person I want to be in the long run?
Pointing and calling and the habit score card are strategies for essentially doing what?
Determining your current habits and their cues
What is a plan of how to implement a particular habit?
An implementation intention
Increasing voter turnout by having people create a specific plan for where and when they will vote is an example of the effectiveness of what?
Implementation intentions
What is the basic format of an implementation intention that leverages two common forms of cues, time and location?
I will x [behavior] at y [time] in z [location].
What is the effect where one purchase leads to a spiral of consumption and additional purchases?
The Dittero effect
What technique is a special form of an implementation intention where a current habit is identified and then a new behavior is performed after it?
Habit stacking
Implementation intentions and habit stacking are strategies that both help to do what?
Making the cues of good habits obvious
What is the equation for behavior given in Atomic Habits?
B = f(P, E)
Behavior is a function of the person and their environment
What should you sprinkle into your environment according to Atomic Habits?
Obvious cues for good habits
What matters more than motivation according to Atomic Habits?
What does Atomic Habits say about the conclusion when people who appear to have tremendous self-control are analyzed?
They are better at structuring their lives in a way that self-control is not needed
Since the mental grooves of an encoded habit are basically permanent, what is the long-term solution to get rid of a bad habit?
Change the environment so there is no cue to trigger the habit
Atomic Habits argues that your energy that could be put into willpower to avoid performing a bad habit is better used on what?
Changing the environment
What happened with the majority of soldiers using heroin in the Vietnam war after they returned home?
They stopped using heroin
What condition does Atomic Habits point out makes it easy to practice self-constraint in life?
When it is rarely needed
What is a heightened stimulus that elicits a stronger response than is natural (e.g. junk food engineered to have the optimal amounts of salt, sugar, fats, and dynamic contrast to excite your brain to the maximum extent possible)?
A supernormal stimulus
What chemical plays important roles in motivation, learning/memory, punishment/aversion, voluntary movement, anticipating pleasure, and pleasure itself?
What neurotransmitter increases during the anticipation of a reward according to Atomic Habits?
Atomic Habits discusses the rise of dopamine when anticipating a reward to argue what?
We should make (the craving of) good habits attractive
What technique is to link an action that you want to do with something that you need to do?
Temptation bundling
What principle says that more probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors?
The Premack principle
What is the format of the implementation intention when using the temptation bundling technique?
After [habit I need], I will [habit I want]
What is a technique that applies the Premack principle to create a heightened version of a habit you want to have by following it with a rewarding (possibly even bad) habit?
Temptation bundling
What are the three groups whose habits we imitate according to Atomic Habits?
The close, the many, and the powerful
Since you tend to pick up habits from the people close to you, what kind of people should you surround yourself with?
People similar to the type of person you want to be
Atomic Habits describes a different book that helps people quit smoking by doing what?
Systematically reframing every craving to begin smoking as unattractive
What are the two reasons behind every behavior according to Atomic Habits?
A surface level craving and a deeper underlying motive
What are specific manifestations of deeper underlying motives?
What might be described as modern day solutions to ancient problems?
What are like gaps between the current state and a desired state, or a want to feel different that is triggered by a signal?
What can you use to mark things as good, bad, or neutral (as a tactic to make yourself enjoy good habits or hard things)?
To make hard habits more attractive, you must do what?
Associate them with positive emotions
To some people, distractions during meditation could be frustrating, but an alternative way to frame them could be what?
They are opportunities to practice returning to meditation
If someone is angrily getting into an argument with you, how should you frame this cue?
An opportunity to practice stepping away
If you find yourself trying to look at the past or future, how should you frame this cue?
An opportunity to practice returning to the present
If you are feeling dissatisfied with your current self in some context (feelings of inferiority), how should you frame this cue?
An opportunity to practice affirmative resignation
What outcome was a result of a study where college students taking a course were divided into a quantity group and quality group for taking photos over a semester?
The highest quality photos were largely taken by the quantity group
What is the difference between motion and action in Atomic Habits?
Motion is planning, strategizing, learning. Action is the behavior that delivers an outcome.
The difference between reading about healthy dieting and eating a healthy meal demonstrates the difference between what?
Motion and action
What is the key to mastering a new habit?
Practice (get repetitions in)
What could be summarized as "neurons that fire together wire together?"
Hebb's law
How is long-term potentiation related to repetitions and practice causing a behavior to gradually become automatic?
Neural connections tighten with each repetition
What is the ability to perform a behavior without thinking about each step?
Automaticity, being able to do something without thinking about each step involved, means what is taking over?
The nonconscious mind
Essentially, to build a new habit, you must do what (one word)?
What does conventional wisdom hold is the key to habit change (and what might the truth about that answer really be)?
Motivation (the truth is our motivation is to be lazy)
How can you design your good habits so that they are easy to do even when you don't feel like it?
Reduce friction of doing them as much as possible
What can reduce friction to make good habits easier in addition to make the cues of good habits obvious?
Environment design
If you were choosing a place to perform a good habit, what type of place should you choose?
A place that fits in to the flow of your life
That checking your phone for just a moment can lead to a significant time wasted shows what?
Habits can lead you toward spending a lot of time in a certain way
What are the everyday moments where your choice/behavior determines the set of options available to your future self?
Decisive moments
The moment you choose between starting your homework or playing a video game is an example of what?
A decisive moment
What is the 2-minute rule (Atomic Habits)?
When you start a new habit, it should take less than 2 minutes to do
Habits that start you down a certain path of spending your time could be called what?
Gateway habits
You will never get to optimizing all the right details in an activity if you never do what?
Consistently showing up to do it
What is a choice made in the present that locks in future behavior (restricting your future self from bad habits)?
A commitment device
To throw away all of your clothes so that you cannot leave your home and must focus on writing would be an example of using what?
A commitment device
What is the law of behavior change (Atomic Habits) that is unlike the other laws in that it increases the odds that a habit will be repeated next time?
Make it satisfying
What are habits where the immediate outcome is enjoyable but the ultimate and delayed outcome is bad?
Bad habits
As a general rule, the more immediate pleasure you get from an action, the more you should what?
Question if it is aligned with your long-term goals
What provides you with visual proof of progress toward becoming the type of person that you want to become?
Habit tracking
No matter how consistent you are, it is inevitable that life will interrupt you at some point.
The rule to follow is:
Never miss twice
What should you do if you miss a workout?
Do not miss the next one
What is a potential pitfall to avoid with habit tracking?
Measuring the wrong thing
What is the most important benefit of habit tracking?
It is satisfying
What does Atomic Habits say is the way to maintain motivation and interest in something?
Work on tasks of just manageable difficulty
What does Atomic Habits say is the characteristic of a task that will allow a flow state to be achieved?
The task must be roughly 4% beyond your current ability
What is the greatest barrier to success according to Atomic Habits (not identity conflict which is just a barrier to forming positive habits)?
How do successful people react when they start to get bored practicing according to Atomic Habits?
They continue practicing anyway
What does Atomic Habits say you will eventually need to fall in love with in order to become really successful at something?
What are the two things that result in mastery according to Atomic Habits?
Habits and deliberate practice
In addition to automatic habits, what else is needed to achieve elite levels according to Atomic Habits?
Deliberate practice
What is the way to be successful according to Atomic Habits?
Learn to do things right, and then do them right every time
What does Atomic Habits say is the secret to getting results that truly last?
Never stop making improvements
What is the holy grail in Atomic Habits?
A thousand one percent improvements
What is success in Atomic Habits?
An endless process to refine and improve
What will be the result if you never stop making improvements?
You will get results that last
What is bound to happen to untested software?
It is bound to fail
What is an error?
Something that you do wrong
What is a specific human action that results in software containing a fault?
Can tests prove the absence of faults?
What is the code that we write to test the code called?
Test code
What should you always do when you fix a bug (related to test-driven development)?
Write a test that would replicate the bug
What is a side effect of writing test code before or alongside the main code?
It will shape the way you design the code
What is a case that should always be tested when the input is numeric?
What are the two things that must be demonstrated by the test harness?
Correct output and appropriate failure behavior
Code Craft notes that what are a rich source of error and should be carefully tested?
Boundary cases
How should all code be read according to Code Craft?
For each piece of code that you write, when should you move on?
When it is tested and the tests show that it works
What practice, and tribe that inhabits the software factory, ensures that the processes and development practices result in high-quality software?
Quality assurance (QA)
What is the most effective way to ensure software quality?
A design rule for a section of code that leads to highly testable code:
Each section should be self-contained and without undocumented or tenuous dependencies on external things
What kind of tests stubs any untrusted external code with which the tested part interfaces?
Unit tests
What kind of tests validates the combination of one or more units into a full component?
Component tests
What kind of test tests the combination of components?
Integration tests
What kind of test ensures the code can handle the expected volume of data as its input?
Load tests
What kind of test throws a huge amount of data at the code within a short time to see what happens?
Stress tests
What kind of test involves a high load for a prolonged amount of time?
Soak tests
What largely determines the quality of unit tests?
The quality of the interface being tested
What happens to bad programmers who don't consider testing to be important and release untested code?
They discover problems too late