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What to do if you don't know how to solve a problem right now?
Learn more, get knowledge
What does John Ousterhout say is the most fundamental problem in CS (he disagrees with Donald Knuth)?
Problem decomposition
What kind of memory can flashcards only help you with to an extent because it needs literal practice?
Procedural memory
What did John Ousterhout say about what Donald Knuth believes is the most fundamental problem in CS?
Layers of abstraction
What idea did many people think was an unfortunate course of Donald Knuth's career but had some good ideas popular today that are used in tools that extract API documentation from code?
Literate programming
What tool often used with Ruby allows writing tests that specify the behavior of the application from the outside using statements that begin with Given, When, and Then that are translated into code according to step definitions?
What might be the implementation of a step definition that visits the root path of the web application using the Capybara API?
visit "/"
What language is essentially English if you start every sentence with one of these words: given, when, then, and?
What gem/domain-specific language can be used to automate a web browser with the same API whether the underlying driver is :rack_test or the Selenium WebDriver API?
What MIT press book is called the "Wizard Book?"
SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)
What driver can Capybara use out of the box but cannot execute JavaScript (written as a Ruby symbol)?
What define how tests written in Cucumber/Gherkin are translated into Ruby code?
Step definitions
What is the driver supported by Capybara out of the box that cannot execute JavaScript?
What gem do you need to install (in addition to capybara) if you want to use Capybara with Selenium?
What is the method in Capybara which takes a single string parameter and navigates to that path by making a GET request?
What method in the Capybara API documentation can take a snapshot of the page as it currently is and then open it so you can take a look at it?
If you have required capybara/rails, what will Capybara.save_path default to?
Does Capybara locate non-visible elements, by default?
What tag is written over a Cucumber scenario (or feature) to switch to the Capybara.javascript_driver (:selenium by default)?
What is the Capybara gem (the name of the gem to add to the Gemfile)?
In addition to creativity, the only ability a person needs to program computers is what according to John Ousterhout in APOSD?
Ability to organize thoughts
What is the optional argument given to the RSpec it method to switch to the Capybara.javascript_driver (:selenium by default)?
js: true
Does the Capybara DSL vary with the specific browser and headless driver being used?
What is the fast, but limited driver that is the default used by Capybara and does not support JavaScript?
What is the line of code to make Capybara use :selenium as the default driver instead of :rack_test?
Capybara.default_driver = :selenium
What word is a common synonym for a fault?
Good programming leads to more time spent doing what than what?
More time spent testing than debugging
Why is testing early a good idea?
To catch bugs before they affect people and when they are easy to fix
According to Code Craft, studies show that there are how many errors per 1000 SLOC in carefully tested software?
0.5 to 3
What advocates that test code is written before the code being tested?
Test-driven development
According to Code Craft, what is the golden rule of testing?
According to Code Craft, how often should tests be run?
More often than humanly possible (continuous integration)
What will happen in macro level testing if micro level testing is not thorough?
It will be hindered by mistakes
What is the comment to put at the top of a Ruby source code file to enforce frozen string literals?
# frozen_string_literal: true
What gem installs the Selenium bindings for Ruby?
Why are the browser drivers generally not included in the standard Selenium distribution?
They are provided by the browser vendors
What refers to both the language bindings and the implementations of the individual browser controlling code in Selenium?
What is a specific WebDriver implementation that each web browser is backed with?
A driver
What in Docker can be thought of as just an empty vessel for executing software in?
A container
What is an object-oriented programming metaphor for containers and images in Docker?
(Images = ?, containers = ?)
Images = classes, containers = objects
What is the default user inside of a Docker container?
What command is essentially the Docker CLI?
On what operating systems must the Docker daemon be run inside a lightweight Linux virtual machine?
Mac and Windows
What is the guiding star of software design?
Reducing complexity
The ABC metric was introduced as a possibly better alternative for what other software metric?
Source lines of code (SLOC)
Of cyclomatic complexity and ABC metric, which focuses more on program size?
ABC metric
What software metric measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program?
Cyclomatic complexity
What is the magnitude of an ABC metric <3,0,4>?
What do A, B, and C stand for in the ABC metric?
Assignments, branches, and conditionals
What is the ABC metric of this line of Ruby code?
(x > 2) ? (y = 3) : (z = 5)
<2, 0, 2>
What is the smallest cyclomatic complexity that RuboCop will give a warning for by default?
What version of the name is System.Console?
A fully qualified name
What is the other name for the Law of Demeter?
The principle of least knowledge
Of cyclomatic complexity and ABC metric, which focuses more on program complexity?
Cyclomatic complexity (the answer is given away by the name)
Why does an else branch not add one to the cyclomatic complexity in the algorithm used by RuboCop?
It does not add a decision point
Where was the Law of Demeter introduced?
Northeastern University
The Law of Demeter is a specific case of:
Loose coupling
What is a common statement explaining how to follow the Law of Demeter?
Use only one dot
What does a brain use to solve problems if you ask Wozniak?
Its concept network
What Ruby version manager does Anki Books recommend?
What file in Anki Books tells rbenv the Ruby version?
What database does Anki Books use that is the best open-source relational database management system since Oracle took over MySQL?
What is it called when you checkout a lone commit instead of a branch, and not in a branch?
A detached head
What could be simply defined as a running program?
A process
What is the CLI for manual pages in a Bash shell?
What letter is to exit a man page on Linux?
What package manager on Ubuntu could you use to install git?
What command can you use to generate ssh keys on a Ubuntu machine for example?
What directory in your home directory is where the ssh-keygen command puts your and private key?
What file in the Anki Books source is infrastructure as code (1 file) that specifies a Docker container that can run Anki Books?
What is the other main Ruby version manager (not rbenv)?