The Linux Command Line The Linux Command Line Initial Notes Study cards

Linux/Bash notes

A shell is a program that passes commands from the user to the operating system. Typically the user interacts with the shell using a terminal emulator. Almost all Linux distributions include a shell called Bash.

The Bash shell prompt is username@machinename followed by (and separated by :) the current working directory followed by $ (or # if superuser) e.g. regoky@LAPTOP:~/projects$.


There are several different types of commands. They can be compiled binaries, programs written in scripting languages such as Ruby, shell builtins which are programs built into the shell itself, shell scripts which are incorporated into the environment, or aliases.

The up key can be used to see previous commands. By default, usually the last 1000 commands are remembered. The command history list is kept in bash_history in the home directory and can be viewed at any time with history | less.

The tab key can be used to take advantage of completion which saves you the trouble of having to type the rest of what the shell can infer you were going to.

  • Shows the current date

  • Displays a calendar of the current month

  • Shows current amount of free space on the disk drives

  • Shows the total amount of free memory

  • Ends the terminal session and closes the terminal emulator window

  • Displays the current working directory

  • Lists the files and directories in the current working directory
  • If a directory is given as an argument, the output is as if that argument was the current working directory
  • It can also take multiple directories as arguments at the same time
  • The short options can be strung together preceded by a single dash (for example ls -lah).
    • -l
      • Changes the output to the long format version
    • -t
      • Sorts the files in the output by last time modified
    • -a
      • Shows hidden files
    • -A
      • Same as -a except skips . and ..
    • -S
      • Sorts the files in the output by file size
    • -r
      • Reverses the order of files in the output
    • -h
      • In combination with long format, shows file size in a more human-readable format
    • -l
      • Changes the output to display all of the following in order:
        • If the file is a file (-), directory (d), symbolic link (l), a character special file (c), or block special file (d)
        • 9 characters describing the access rights of the file owner, the file’s group owner, and the world
          • E.g. -rwx------ is a file where the owner has read, write, and execution access and nobody else has any access
          • E.g. -rwxr-xr-- is a file where the owner has full access, but the group cannot edit it, and the world can only read it
        • The number of hard links
        • The file’s owner’s username
        • The file’s group’s name
        • The file size in bytes
        • The date and time it was last time modified
        • The name of the file
        • If it’s a symlink, an arrow and a second filename

  • Changes the current working directory
  • Can take relative or absolute path names as arguments
  • With no arguments, changes the current working directory to the home directory
  • . refers to the current working directory
    • ./ can be omitted by default
      • For example, cd ./directory_name and cd directory_name do the same thing
  • .. refers to the parent directory

file <filename>
  • Outputs information about the type of the file

less <filename>
  • This is an example of a pager
  • Allows viewing the file contents and scrolling up and down
  • q to exit

mkdir <directory_name>
  • Creates a new directory

cp <filename1> <filename2>
  • Copies a file or directory
  • -r is necessary to recursively copy the contents of a directory

mv <filename1> <filename2>
  • Moves or renames a file

  • Deletes files and directories
  • -r is necessary to recursively delete the contents of a directory
  • Should be used carefully

  • Creates hard or symbolic links

  • Displays a command’s type

  • Displays an executable’s location

  • Displays helpful information for shell builtins
  • Many commands also support the --help option

  • Display a command’s manual page
  • Most Linux systems will use less to display the manual

  • Display appropriate commands from the man pages based on a search term

  • Displays one-line summary of a command’s man page

  • An alernative to man that displays a hypertext man page

  • With no arguments, displays all of the alias commands that are available in the environment.
  • With an argument, creates a new command which is an alias, however it does not persist after the shell session.
  • E.g. alias bw="cd; cd blog/website"

Linux files

Filenames in Linux are case-sensitive. Punctuation characters in Linux filenames should be limited to periods, dashes, and underscores (filenames should not have spaces in Linux). There is also no concept of file extensions in Linux.

Filenames that begin with a dot are hidden. To see them, use ls with the -a option.

The Linux filesystem

Linux distributions generally follow the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard but there are differences between distributions.

Linux organizes files in a hierarchical tree-like directory structure which starts with the root directory (/).

In contrast to Windows which has a separate file system tree for every storage device, Linux has only one regardless of the number of storage devices. Storage devices are “mounted” at specific places by the system administrator.

  • /
    • The root directory
  • /bin
    • Binaries and programs that are needed for the system to run
  • /boot
    • The Linux kernel, initial RAM disk image, and boot loader
  • /dev
    • Device nodes
  • /etc
    • System wide configuration files
  • /etc/crontab
    • Defines when the jobs will run
  • /etc/fstab
    • Table of storage devices and mount points
  • /etc/group
    • Defines the groups
  • /etc/passwd
    • Defines users’ login names, uid, gid, home directories, login shells
  • /etc/profile
    • A global configuration file for the environment that applies to all users
  • /etc/shadow
    • Information about the users’ passwords
  • /home
    • Location of the home directories
  • /lib
    • Shared libraries
  • /media
    • Mount points for USB drives and other things which are mounted automatically when inserted
  • /mnt
    • Mount points for removable devices that have been mounted manually
  • /mct/c
    • This is where WSL mounts the Windows C: drive
  • /opt
    • Optional things like commercial products
  • /proc
    • Virtual file system maintained by the kernel
  • /root
    • The home directory for the root user
  • /sbin
    • System binaries and things generally reserved for the root user
  • /tmp
    • Temporary transient files
  • /usr/share/doc
    • Documentation files
  • /var
    • Data that is likely to change
  • /var/log
    • Log files

I/O redirection

Programs typically send the data they are designed to produce and output to the standard output and they send status and error messages to the standard error. stdout and stderr are special files linked to the screen and not saved to the disk. Many programs take input from the standard input (stdin) which is instead linked to the keyboard.

To redirect standard output to a specific file, use the > operator followed by the filename to redirect output too following the command. This will always rewrite the destination file. To append to the destination file, use the >> operator instead.

To redirect standard error, use 2>. The 2 is the file descriptor that the shell refers to the standard error internally (it also refers to the standard input as 0 and the standard output as 1).

Both the standout output and standard error can be redirect to the same file at the same time with ls > output.txt 2>&1 (and ls &> output.txt in recent Bash versions) showing how to do so. The redirection of standard error must occur after the redirection of standard output.

The system includes a special file, dev/null, to redirect output to when you want to silence the output. This file accepts the output and does nothing with it (it is a bit bucket).

The pipe operator | allows piping the standard output of one command into the standard input of another command. A useful command to pipe the standard output from a different command into is less e.g. ls | less. Several commands combined in a pipeline are sometimes referred to as filters and common commands used in this way include sort and uniq.

  • cat <filename>
    • This sends the contents of a file to the standard output.
  • wc <filename>
    • Displays the number of lines, words, and bytes in files.
  • grep <pattern> <filename>
    • Displays the lines in the file which match the pattern
    • With the v option:
      • Displays the lines that do not match the pattern instead
  • tee <filename>
    • Receives standard input and copies it to a file as well as the standard output.
    • This is useful for capturing the standard output at an intermediate point in a pipeline.


echo *s shows pathname expansion of the pattern into matching filenames.

echo ~ shows tilde expansion of ~ into the home directory.

Other types of shell expansions include:

  • arithmetic expansion e.g. echo $(($((4 / 2)) + $((3 * 2))))
  • brace expansion e.g. echo 1-{a,b,c} which outputs 1-a 1-b 1-c
  • parameter expansion e.g. echo $USER
  • command substitution e.g. echo $(ls)

Double quotes cause most special characters to lose their special meaning but do not suppress \, $, or `. Single quotes will suppress all expansions.

The escape character and control codes

The escape character \ can be used to suppress individual special characters. This character is also part of the notation of the control codes, which are the first 32 characters in ASCII. The control codes include \t (09) which represents a tab, \n (10 or 0A) which represents a newline, and \r (13 or 0D) which represents a carriage return.

The Unix security model

A user may own certain files and directories. A user can also belong to a group which can be granted access to files and directories by the owners of those files and directories. The owners can also specify the permissions that everybody else (the world) has to their files and directories.

The id command will output some information about your identity and groups.

Access rights are defined in terms of read access, write access, and execution access for the file’s owner, the file’s group owner, and the world.

The first 10 characters of the output of the ls -l command are called the file attributes.

The chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. This can only be done by the file’s owner or the superuser. It can take the permissions as an octal number.

With binary, 001 is 1, 010 is 2, 011 is 3, 100 is 4, 101 is 5, 110 is 6, and 111 is 7. Each binary number represents the read, write, and execute permissions: a 1 is having the permission and a 0 is not having it. By specifying three decimal numbers with the chmod command, the read, write, and execute permissions are set for the owner, group, and world from the binary representation of those binary numbers.

The binary representation shows why these are called permission bits. For example, chmod 755 a.txt sets the file attributes of a.txt as -rwxr-xr-x. There is also an alternative symbolic notation.

The su command is used to start a shell as a different user. sudo allows an ordinary user to execute commands as a different user. Using sudo requires the user’s password, not the superuser’s. To start a shell as the superuser using su -, the superuser’s password must be entered.

The chown command is used to change the owner and group owner of a file or directory and requires superuser privileges to use.

The passwd command is used to set or change your password. With superuser privileges, you can also set the password of other users.


When the system starts, it starts a few processes and a program called init that runs a series of init scripts located in /etc. Many of these are daemon programs which run in the background and have no user interface. Processes are assigned process IDs (PIDS) with init always have the PID 1.

In general, when processes launch other processes they are called parent processes and the processes they launch are child processes.

The ps command shows the processes related to the current terminal session. The x option (with no leading dash) will show more processes not limited to the current terminal session. A handy set of options is aux (no leading dash again) which shows the user each process belongs to.

The top command shows the system process ordered by activity and continuously updated. This program accepts h to show help and q to exit. In Windows, the Task Manager serves the same function as top but consumes more computational resources and is slower.

To launch a program such that it is immediately placed in the background, use <program> &. A process in the background can be seen with the ps command and its jobspec (job number) can be seen from the jobs command. To bring the process into the foreground, use fg %<jobspec>.

The kill command is used to terminate a process. kill <PID> sends the TERM signal to the process identified by the PID argument. Other signals that can be sent to processes are INT (Ctrl + C) and TSTP (Ctrl + Z). Use kill -l to see all the signals used by the system (there are a lot).

Other commands related to monitoring the processes are pstree, vmstat, xload, and tload. pstree will show which processes are parents of others. Commands related to shutting down the system are halt, poweroff, reboot, and shutdown.

The environment

The shell stores environment variables, shell variables, aliases, and shell functions in the environment.

The set builtin in Bash will output the environment variables, shell variables, and shell functions. The printenv command will output only the environment variables. Neither displays the aliases, but these can be seen using the alias command.

When the user logs in, the environment is established from configuration files including files in the user’s home directory that allow the user to customize their default environment, e.g. ~/.bash_profile. PATH is an important environment variable to know; it contains the list of directories that is searched to find, for example, the binary of a command when the command is used.

Poking around my own system, I can see the following is part of my ~/.profile (the Ubuntu equivalent of .bash_profile):

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

This is using parameter expansion to add to the PATH variable the $HOME/bin directory (a place for the user to put their own scripts).

Unless you are the system administator, only make changes to these things in the home directory. Environmental variables should be defined in .profile or .bash_profile and everything else should be defined in .bashrc. Everything else includes customizing the shell prompt.

export PATH informs the shell to make PATH available to the shell’s child processes.

Package management

A package file is a compressed file collection that constitutes a software package. The two major families of Linux packaging systems are the Debian family (.deb) and the Red Hat family (.rpm).

The locale

The locale is a concept introduced by the POSIX standards which allows selecting the correct character set for a particular location. Use the locale command to see the locale settings.
What is a program that passes commands from the user to the operating system?
What does a user use to typically interact with a shell?
What does the part of the Bash shell prompt look like before the :?
When you are NOT the superuser, what character is present after ~/projects in a Bash shell (projects is a directory)?
When you are the superuser, what character is present after ~/projects in a Bash shell (projects is a directory)?
Commands which are built into the shell itself are called:
What is the command (two commands with |) to view the command history list in Bash?
What key do you use with Bash to take advantage of completion?
What is the Bash command to show the current amount of free space on the disk drives?
What is the Bash command to show the total amount of free memory?
What is the Bash command to end the terminal session and close the terminal emulator window?
What is the Bash command to display the current working directory?
What is the option to ls to change the output to the long format version?
What is the option to ls to sort the files in the output by last time modified?
What is the option to ls to show hidden files?
What is the option to ls to show hidden files but skip . and ..?
What is the option to ls to sort the files in the output by file size?
What is the option to ls to reverse the order of the files in the output?
What is the option to ls that is used in combination with long format to show file size in a more human readable way?
When using the ls command with the -l option, what does it mean when the first character in the output is -?
What using the ls command with the -l option, what does it mean when the character in the output is d?
What using the ls command with the -l option, what does it mean when the first character in the output is l?
What using the ls command with the -l option, the first set of three characters describe the access rights of who?
What using the ls command with the -l option, the second group of three characters describes the access rights of the?
When using the ls command with the -l option, the last set of three characters describe the access rights of the what?
What does this ls -l output for a file mean? -rwx------
What does this ls -l output for a file mean? -rwxr-xr--
When using the ls command with the -l option, what follows the 10 file permissions characters? drwxr-xr-x 3 regoky regoky 4.0K Apr 9 10:47 db
When using the ls command with the -l option, what follows the number of hard links? drwxr-xr-x 3 regoky regoky 4.0K Apr 9 10:47 db
When using the ls command with the -l option, what follows the file owner's username? drwxr-xr-x 3 regoky regoky 4.0K Apr 9 10:47 db
When using the ls command with the -l option, what follows the file's group owner's name? drwxr-xr-x 3 regoky regoky 4.0K Apr 9 10:47 db
When using the ls command with the -l option, what follows the file size? drwxr-xr-x 3 regoky regoky 4.0K Apr 9 10:47 db
When using the ls command with the -l option, what follows the date/time last modified? drwxr-xr-x 3 regoky regoky 4.0K Apr 9 10:47 db
When using the ls command with the -l option, what might appear after the filename?
When using the cd command, what does . mean?
When using the cd command, what does .. mean?
What does the cd command do when given no arguments?
What can be omitted by default when using the cd command?
What Bash command can be used to output information about the type of a file?
The less command in Bash is an example of what kind of program?
What is the key to use to exit the less pager?
What is the Bash command to create a new directory?
What is the Bash command to copy a file or directory?
What is the command in Bash to move (or rename) a file?
What is the Bash command (that should be used carefully!) to delete files and directories?
What is the command in Bash to create hard or symbolic links?
What is the command in Bash to display an executable's location?
What does the alias command in Bash do when given no arguments?
Are filenames in Linux case-sensitive or case-insensitive?
What are the only punctuation characters that should be used in Linux filenames?
Should filenames have spaces in Linux?
Is there a concept of file extensions in Linux?
Files that begin with a dot in Linux are?
What is the standard that Linux filesystems generally follow, although there are differences between distributions?
What is the term that somewhat means "placed" and is how storage devices are placed at specific places in a Linux system?
How is the root directory in Linux denoted?
What is the directory in Linux for the Linux kernel, initial RAM disk image, and boot loader?
What is the directory in Linux for system wide configuration files?
What is the file in Linux for defining when the jobs will run?
What is the file in Linux which is a table of storage devices and mount points?
What is the file in Linux which defines the groups?
What is the file in Linux which defines the users' login names, uid, gid, home directories, and login shells?
What is the global configuration file in Linux for the environment that applies to all users?
What is the file in Linux that has information about the users' passwords?
What is the directory in Linux that is where the home directories are located?
What is the directory in Linux which is where shared libraries are stored?
What is the directory in Linux which has mount points for USB drives and other things which are mounted automatically when inserted?
What is the directory in Linux which has mount points for removable devices that have been mounted manually?
What is the directory where WSL mounts the Windows C: drive?
What is the directory in Linux for optional things like commercial products?
What is the directory in Linux which is a virtual file system maintained by the kernel?
What is the directory in Linux which is the home directory for the root user?
What is the directory in Linux which for system binaries and things generally reserved for the root user?
What is the directory in Linux for temporary transient files?
What is the directory in Linux for data that is likely to change?
According to The Linux Command Line, what are the two places that programs send their output?
According to The Linux Command Line, many programs take input from what (which is also linked to the keyboard)?
What special file in Linux acts as a "bit bucket" which accepts output (from I/O redirection for example) and does nothing with it?
What is the operator that can pipe the standard output of one command into the standard input of another command in Bash?
What is the command which sends the contents of a file to the standard output?
What is the command to display the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file?
echo *s is an example of what type of expansion?
echo ~ is an example of what type of expansion?
What is the character which is the escape character, and is also part of the notation of the control codes in ASCII?
The \n control code which is 10 is what in hexadecimal?
The \r control code which is 13 is what in hexadecimal?
What does the control code \r represent?
What is decimal 1 in binary using 3 bits?
What is %001 in decimal?
What is decimal 2 in binary using 3 bits?
What is %010 in decimal?
What is decimal 3 in binary using 3 bits?
What is %011 in decimal?
What is decimal 4 in binary using 3 bits?
What is %100 in decimal?
What is decimal 5 in binary using 3 bits?
What is %101 in decimal?
What is decimal 6 in binary using 3 bits?
What is %110 in decimal?
What is decimal 7 in binary using 3 bits?
What is %111 in decimal?
What is the command in Bash that outputs some information about your identity and groups?
What are the three access categories that access rights are defined in terms of with the Unix security model?
What refers to the first 10 characters of the ls -l command?
What is the command which changes the permissions of a file or directory and takes the permissions argument as an octal number?
What users are able to change the permissions of a file with chmod?
What are the file attributes of file called a.txt after this command is run by the file's owner? chmod 755 a.txt
What is the command used to start a shell as a different user?
What is the command which allows an ordinary user to execute commands as a different user (usually the superuser)?
What is the command which is used to change the owner and group owner of a file/directory in Linux (requires superuser privileges)?
What is the Linux/Bash command to change your own password?
What is the program in Linux that runs a series of init scripts when the system starts and always has the process ID 1?
What is the command to show the processes related to the current terminal session?
What is a useful group of options to pass to the ps command In Linux/Bash that seems to be easy to remember?
The Linux Command Line 16 - Networking Study cards
The following commands will be covered:

ping - send an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts

traceroute - print the route packets trace to a network host

ip - show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels

netstart - print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships

ftp - internet file transfer program

wget - non-interactive network downloader

ssh - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)

Examining and Monitoring a Network

The most basic network command is ping. ping sends a special network packet called an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST. Most network devices receiving this packet will reply to it, allowing the network connection to be verified. To see if we can reach, we just do ping

ping just sends packets at a specified interval (1 second by default) until it is interrupted. After it is interrupted, it prints performance statistics.

traceroute lists all the "hops" network traffic takes to get from the local system to a specified host. For routers that provided identifying information, we can see their hostnames, IP addresses, and performance data. It also includes three samples of round-trip time from the local system to the rotuer.

The ip program is a multi-purpose network configuration tool that replaces the earlier and now deprecated ifconfig program. With ip, we can examine a system's network interfaces and routing table. lo is the loopback interface and is a virtual interface that the system uses to talk to itself. etho0 is the Ethernet interface.

The netstat program is used to examine various network settings and statistics.
What command mentioned in The Linux Command Line can send an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts?
What command mentioned in The Linux Command Line can print the route packets trace to a network host?
What command mentioned in The Linux Command Line can show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels?
What command mentioned in The Linux Command Line can print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships?
What program is a multi-purpose network configuration tool that replaces the earlier and now deprecated ifconfig program?
How does the loopback interface (a virtual interface that the system uses to talk to itself) appear in the output of the ip command?
How does the Ethernet interface appear in the output of the ip command?
What program mentioned in The Linux Command Line that is used to examine various network settings and statistics?