Individual psychology and holism
Adlerian psychology can be referred to as individual psychology. Reason and emotion cannot be divided, the mind and body cannot be divided, the conscious and unconscious mind cannot be divided. Each individual is a unified whole. Although these are separate things, different, or exist separately, it is the whole that makes choices. To think you do something because of emotion is the life lie. This is holism: the individual cannot be broken into parts.
The {{c1::separation of tasks}} is a way to unravel the threads of the complex entanglement of one's interpersonal relationships and make life lighter.
The goal of interpersonal relationships is a feeling of community
Community feeling is the goal in Adlerian psychology and a key concept that has been debated many times. If other people are our comrades and we are surrounded by them, then we should find a place of refuge and a desire to contribute: community feeling. The issue is what does community consist of? A house, school, workplace, local society? Adler refers to community as all of humanity and also the entire axis of time from the past to the future including plants, animals, and inanimate objects. The community is not just a framework but is literally inclusive of literally everything. Adler admitted the community feeling is an unattainable ideal, but it is essential to understanding his ideas.
{{c1::Community feeling}} is the most important index for considering the happiness state of {{c2::interpersonal relationships}}. {{c1::Interpersonal relationships}} are considered the source of both unhappiness and happiness in Adlerian psychology. Community feeling is also referred to as social interest: interest in society.
From the point of view of sociology, the smallest unit in society is two people. Society and community emerge with two people.
Why am I only interested in myself?
Attachment to self = self-centered. People who are incapable of separating tasks and cannot deny the desire for recognition are self-centered. They are concerned solely with themselves because they want to be liked by others. It is not concern for others; it is attachment to self. People not thinking well of you is proof you are living in freedom. Being attached to the I because you are constantly worried about how others think of you is to be self-centered.
You are not the center of the world
Each of us is a member of a community: where we belong. Feeling a place of refuge and a sense of belonging are basic human desires. They are part of the search for a place and relationships where one can feel it is okay to be there. The protagonist in one's life is the I. But the I does not rule the center of the world. It is only a member of the community and a part of the whole. You are not the world's protagonist.
People who hold the belief that they are the center of the world will lose their comrades before long. They see themselves as the protector of the world and every other person is there to serve them, but they do not live their life for that person and thus the person will be disappointed leading to disillusionment and then seeing them as enemies instead of comrades.
You are part of a community. Not the center of it.
In Adlerian psychology, in order to have the sense of belonging that it's okay to be here, we can attain this only be making an active commitment to the community of their own accord. One faces one's life tasks. Take steps forward on one's own without avoiding the tasks. One has to take their own steps forward with the tasks of interpersonal relationships. Ask: what can I give to this person. That is commitment to the community. By giving, one can find one's refuge. The sense of belonging comes from one's own efforts.
Listen to the voice of a larger community
The scope of community is infinite. Each person belongs to a different community, but they also belong to the universe. You belong to a larger community that is larger than the one you can see. You are contributing in some way to that community. Think of how the entire world is connected when you do something so simple as buy something from the store.
All of us belong to multiple communities. The household, the workplace, the country. If you regard school as the absolute community, naturally you will run into adversity in that community: not keeping up with school work, getting bullied. It is possible that with regard to this community, you will not have the sense of belonging. When that happens, if you think of school as being everything, you will not have the sense of belonging. You will escape into a smaller community such as the home. But there is a more separate and larger community: there is a larger world that extends far beyond the school and every one of us is a member there. If there is no refuge in the school, you can find a different community outside of the school such as a different school. All the hardship you went through in school was a storm in a teacup. When you leave, you will be greeted with a gentle breeze. The decision to withdraw is not easy and cannot be taken lightly.
When you run into difficulties in interpersonal relationships or when you can no longer see a way out, first and foremost consider this principle: listen to the voice of the larger community. Follow the common sense of a larger community.
Do not rebuke or praise
Carrying out the separation of tasks helps us to cooperate, act in harmony with each other, and create community feeling, by helping to form horizontal relationships.
Take the stance that in all forms of communication, one must not praise. Rebuking is not accepted either. One must not do either. The act of praise is like talking down to someone. In the act of praise, there is the aspect of it being the passing of judgement from a person of ability to a person of no ability. This unconsciously creates a hierarchical relationship. Praising is to manipulate someone with less ability than you. Rebuking also has the goal of manipulation. The intention of reward and punishment education is to manipulate children. Wanting praise or giving praise is proof of seeing the relationships as vertical. Refute all manner of vertical relationship and propose that they all be horizontal. This may be the fundamental principle of Adlerian psychology. Equal but not the same. Equal is to say horizontal.
The feeling of inferiority is a feeling that arises in vertical relationships. By building horizontal relationships, there is no room for the inferiority complex to emerge.
The encouragement approach
Offer assistance that does not turn into intervention. Assistance is not the same as intervention: it presupposes the separation of tasks and horizontal relationships. Help the person face the tasks on their own but do not force them. Assist the person to resolve their tasks by their own efforts. It is them who needs to face their tasks. Neither praise, nor rebuke. This is referred to as encouragement.
The first thing to do if you cannot face your tasks is to get courage.
Being praised leads people to believe that they have no ability. Giving praise is a judgement that is passed by a person with ability onto a person without ability. To choose praise as one's goal, you are choosing a way of living aligned with other people's systems of values. To assist others, do the separation of tasks, then build horizontal relationships, and then use the approach of encouragement.
How to feel that you have value
The most important thing is to not judge other people.
"Thank you" is an expression of gratitude that shows a person they have made a contribution. It is different than praise.
When a person is able to feel that they have worth, they can have courage. If one is able to feel that one has worth, then they can have the courage to face their life tasks. How can one feel that they have worth? It is simple: it is when one is able to feel that they are beneficial to the community. When one can feel that they are of use to others. Community feeling and encouragement connects here.
Exist in the present
Consider things at the level of being. People have use by being here. Be grateful for others at the level of being. Just by being alive, people support the psychological state of others and therefore are of use. Accept oneself on the level of being.
Do not compare someone to anyone else and be grateful that they exist as they are.
Someone has to start. Other people may not cooperate. Start with no regard to whether others are cooperative or not.
People cannot make proper use of self
Without regard to other people cooperating, start. Have a true sense of worth and appreciate others for simply existing.
The first thing to do: build a horizontal relationship between yourself and one other person. The issue of building vertical vs horizontal relationships is an issue of lifestyle. You must choose one or the other. If you are building even one vertical relationship, you will soon be treating them all as vertical. Building even one horizontal relationship is a major transformation in lifestyle and all interpersonal relationships after may tend to become horizontal.
In a company structure, it is natural for there to be different levels of responsibility. Be equal in consciousness and assert that which needs to be asserted.
Suppose as a result of following a boss's instructions, it results in failure. To say that it is the boss's fault, it is a life lie. There is space to refuse and propose a different way of doing things.
Article notes
What is the idea that when a person makes a choice, it is not due to one or the other of emotion or reason, the conscious mind or unconscious mind, or the body or mind: it is the whole that makes the choice?
What is the goal of interpersonal relationships according to Adlerian psychology?
Community feeling
How does Adler define what the community is?
All humans, animals, plants, and inanimate objects from the past to the future (everything)
What is the smallest unit in society from the point of view of Sociology?
Two people
What simple everyday example can be thought about to appreciate how you belong to a much larger community than the one you can see, and that you are contributing to it?
When you do something so simple as buy something from the store, you can see how the entire world is connected
What is the most important index for considering the degree of happy state in interpersonal relationships?
Community feeling
What term in Adlerian psychology is also referred to as social interest: interest in society?
Community feeling
What will happen to people who hold the belief that they are the center of the world or its protector and that every other person is there to help them?
They will lose their comrades before long
What is the way one can find refuge in the community through taking their own steps forward?
Contribution to others (make efforts to help the community)
If you run into adversity and not being able to belong in the community that you consider your main community, what action to that situation would be a mistake?
Escaping into a smaller community such as the home
If you cannot find refuge in a community and it does not seem possible, what is the principle you should follow?
Listen to the common sense of a larger community
What metaphor describes when one has no refuge in school and then leaves to be in a larger community?
The hardship in school is like a storm in a teacup, and when you leave, you will be greeted with a gentle breeze
What is the stance taken in Adlerian psychology on what one must not do in communication?
Do not rebuke or praise
What might be the fundamental principle of Adlerian psychology?
Refute all manners of vertical relationships
Why is praise not accepted in communication in Adlerian psychology?
It unconsciously creates a vertical relationship
Why is rebuking not accepted in communication in Adlerian psychology?
It has the goal of manipulation
When saying "equal but not the same" in Adlerian psychology, to say equal is to say what?
What is the intention of reward and punishment education?
To manipulate children
What view is wanting praise or giving praise proof of?
Seeing relationships as vertical
What kind of interpersonal relationships are we trying to create by carrying out the separation of tasks?
Horizontal relationships
Rather than rebuke or praise, according to Adlerian psychology, one should do what?
What is the essential way to (not) behave in order to build horizontal relationships?
Do not rebuke or praise
If we do not rebuke or praise in communication, what will this help us do according to Adlerian psychology?
Build horizontal relationships
What is referred to in Adlerian psychology as helping a person face their tasks but do not force them?
What phrase is an expression of gratitude that shows a person they have made a contribution and is different than praise?
Thank you
After doing the separation of tasks and building horizontal relationships, what is the approach that comes next according to Adlerian psychology?
To say "thank you" to someone is part of what approach in Adlerian psychology?
In considering the Adlerian psychology position that for a person to feel they have worth, they should feel they are beneficial to the community and are of use to others, how can this point be accepted while also considering people who might not be able to directly help the community such as those living in old people homes?
People support the psychological state of others just by being alive. Consider what would happen to loved ones if the people in the example had to go to the hospital
If you were struggling with the same problems as the character in the dialogue with the philosopher about Adlerian psychology, what would be the very first thing to do?
Build a horizontal relationship with one other person
If the issue of building vertical vs. horizontal relationships is taken to be an issue of lifestyle, what might be the consequential point to understand?
You must choose one or the other
If you were to build a single vertical relationship, you might soon be doing what?
Treating all of your relationships as vertical
Following your boss's instructions even though you know it will result in failure and saying it is the boss's fault is an example of what?
The life lie
In considering the example where your boss tells you to do something that you know will result in failure, to avoid lacking courage and falling back on the life lie, what must you remember?
There is space to refuse and propose a different way of doing things
The [...] is a way to unravel the threads of the complex entanglement of one's interpersonal relationships and make life lighter.
The separation of tasks is a way to unravel the threads of the complex entanglement of one's interpersonal relationships and make life lighter.
[...] are considered the source of both unhappiness and happiness in Adlerian psychology.
Interpersonal relationships are considered the source of both unhappiness and happiness in Adlerian psychology.
[...] is the most important index for considering the happiness state of [...].
Community feeling is the most important index for considering the happiness state of interpersonal relationships.